Responding to the Trump Administration

HR 9495: A Conversation between Hope Mohr and Gene Takagi (video)

Reimagining the Arts

Creating New Futures: Working Guidelines for Ethics & Equity in Presenting Dance & Performance
A call for radical action, this living document frames principles and guidelines for conversations within performance & addresses long standing inequities, deficiencies, and power imbalances in the field.

Remake the Model: Building a Solidarity Economy in the Arts
An interactive conversation hosted by Arts Funder Forum on the ways that funders can encourage equity, equality, and solidarity in the arts sector.

Shifting Cultural Power: Case Studies and Questions in Performance
A reckoning with white cultural power and a call to action. Covers transitioning a hierarchical nonprofit to a model of distributed leadership; expanding the canon; having difficult conversations about race; and reckoning with aesthetic bias.

We Are Bound: Recommendations
Yancey Consulting’s takeaways/lessons learned from the pandemic.

Intellectual Property

Copyright Law for Artists Nano-training (Sustainable Economies Law Center)
Trademarks for Artists Nano-Training (Sustainable Economies Law Center)
The Work for Hire Doctrine
The Copyright Alliance (free copyright registration available for BIPOC creators via the Initiative to Promote Diversity in Copyright)
Paul C. Rapp, An Introduction to Copyright Law (Graphic Artists Guild, Sept. 27, 2023)
Isaac Kaplan, Art Copyright, Explained (Artsy, Aug. 4, 2016)
Copyright Basics (U.S. Patent and Trademark Office)
Registration Tutorials (U.S. Copyright Office)
Artists Rights 101 (Artists Rights Society)
U.S. Copyright Office Fair Use Index (U.S. Copyright Office)
Glaze (system designed to protect artists by disrupting style mimicry)
Nightshade (tool that turns any image into data unsuitable for AI model training)

Distributed Leadership

Continuum of Organizational Transformation
Embodying Shared Leadership (Work Shouldn’t Suck Podcast)
Mosaics & Mirrors: A Report on Feminist Co-Leadership
Dance’s Communal Ethos is Moving into the Office and the Boardroom (on Hope Mohr Dance’s transition to Bridge Live Arts) (N.Y. Times)
Culture Change for Racial Justice: Allyship in Majority White-Led Organizations (Dance NYC Symposium)
Case Studies in Distributed Leadership (Hewlett Foundation)
Nonprofit Democracy Network
DARCI Accountability Grid (project management tool for establishing accountability in teams)
In Practice: Stepping Back to Move Forward (In Dance)
Collective Models in the Arts (S.F. Chronicle)
Notes on Stepping Back (the body is the brain)
Value-Driven Restructuring (the body is the brain)
Shifting toward Models of Equity (Stance on Dance)
Doing More with More: Putting Shared Leadership into Practice (Nonprofit Quarterly)

Equity-Driven & Artist-Friendly Contracting

Creating New Futures Contracts Working Group Moral Documents and Enforcement Tools: Modeling Equitable Contracting NPN blog post, with contracting templates
Dance USA Equitable Contracting website
DANC Contract Negotiation Template Template developed by the Dance Artists National Collective for independent dance artists to use in contract negotiations with choreographers and directors.
A Surprisingly Interesting Book About Contracts: For Artists & Other Creatives by Sarah Odenkirk
The Artists Contract (visual artists) A hub for free Legal Contracts for visual artists.
Sample Commission Agreement (visual arts context)
FARE Artists Sale Contract (visual arts context)
W.A.G.E. (Working Artists for a Greater Economy)
Sample contract provisions around copyright

Equitable Pay

Real Dancer Wages
Dividing the Pie: Equitable Approaches to Pay in Arts Organizations (Sustainable Economies Law Center webinar recording)
W.A.G.E. (Working Artists for a Greater Economy)
Creating a More Inclusive Social Contract to Meet Arts Workers’ & Other Independent Contractors’ Needs (Urban Institute)
A4A Launch Event: Organizing Artists Today Clara Takarabe on artist abuse in the economy
Sample Salary Calculator
Setting Pay in a Worker Self-Directed Nonprofit
Sample Cease & Desist Letter for Use of Artist Likeness

Equitable Cultural Funding

Solidarity Not Charity - Grantmaking in the Solidarity Economy (Grantmakers in the Arts/Art.Coop)
Notes on Equitable Funding (Creating New Futures Phase 2)
Not Just Money: Equity Issues in Cultural Philanthropy (Helicon Collaborative)
Mismatched: Philanthropy’s Response to the Call for Racial Justice (Philanthropic Racial Equity)
Get it Right: 5 Shifts Philanthropy Must Make for an Equitable Region (Northern California Grantmakers)
Olayinka Credle, Why Investing in Arts and Culture is Investing in Community Wealth Building
Pandemic Relief & Recovery: Emergency Funding & The Bay Area Arts Community
Funding Economic Democracy (Sustainable Economies Law Center slide deck)
The Grantmakers United for Trans Communities Pledge
Association of Performing Arts Professionals 10-20-30 Pledge

Guaranteed Artist Income

YBCA’s Guaranteed Income Pilot for San Francisco
Springboard for the Arts Guaranteed Income for Artists
Mayors for a Guaranteed Income
Creatives Rebuild New York

Tech riders for a better world

Decolonization Rider (Emily Johnson/Catalyst)
Artist Access Rider Template

At the Intersection of the Arts and Solidarity Economies

Art and Labor Podcast
Anti-Capitalism Study Group for Artists
Solidarity Economy 101 
System Change: A Basic Primer to the Solidarity Economy
New Economy Coalition
Pathways to a People’s Economy A policy guide by members of the New Economy Coalition featuring policy and organizing resources
Solidarity Economics: Why Mutuality and Movements Matter

Building Community Wealth: The Role of Arts and Culture in Equitable Economic Development
Solidarity Economy Principles
Creative Study
Resources for Artists from the Sustainable Economies Law Center

Worker Self-Directed Non Profits

New Economy Coalition
Sustainable Economies Law Center
Nonprofit Democracy Network
SELC Bite-sized legal guide
Setting pay in a worker self-directed nonprofit

Non Profit Incorporation

How to Form a 501c3 (Sustainable Economies Law Center)
Starting a California Nonprofit
Guide to Starting a California Nonprofit
Forming and Maintaining a Nonprofit in California (Compliance Checklist)
NEO Law Group’s “Starting a Nonprofit” Series

Worker Cooperatives

Guilded (Freelancer Artist Cooperative)
U.S. Federation of Worker Coops
Co-op Cincy
Platform Cooperativism Consortium
SELC Co-Op Resource Hub
Legal Guide to Co-Operative Conversions
Uptima Entrepreneur Cooperative
Resist & Build: Grassroots Cooperative Organizing
Ownership Model Canvas Tool
Co-Op Bylaws Tool

Mutual Aid

Mutual Aid Toolkit (Sustainable Economies Law Center)
Mutual Aid Toolkit (Big Door Brigade)
Dean Spade on Mutual Aid
Radical In Progress Study Guide to Dean Spade’s book
Mia Mingus and Dean Spade in Conversation

Artist Mental Health

Black Emotional and Mental Health Collective Healing & Accountability Wheel
Dance Company Trauma & Accountability (Dance Union Podcast)
Vulnerable Resilience (podcast focused on dancer mental health)

Artist Financial Capacity

Dandelion Arts Finance Project