Working with Hope Mohr as ARTogether's lawyer has been an invaluable experience. As a member of the artist community herself, she brings a deep understanding of our organization's needs and has provided excellent guidance and support. Additionally, her sliding scale pricing has made her services accessible and aligned with our mission of fostering inclusivity and support for artists and organizations.”

— Leva Zand, Director of ARTogether

“Hope Mohr brings compassion and professionalism through the lens of a practicing artist and a whip smart lawyer. This superpower combination allows for a non-intimidating, fun process with the understanding and communication that artists need to navigate the legal process. As a longtime practicing arts professional, I found her qualities invaluable and almost magical. Before I knew it we had completed a legal process that would have taken me much more time. Hope even made it enjoyable!”

— Maureen Whiting, Choreographer/Artistic Director

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